Aviation Fueling

Custom Control has been involved in Airport Fueling Systems for 25 years. Systems have ranged in size from 2 pumps to 24 pumps in single and multiple pad configurations, and Fuel Storage Tank Farms from 1 to 20 Tanks. Our systems are custom designed to meet client specific requirements. With the exception of several smaller relay based systems, our standard design is PLC based with one or more Operator Interface Computer Terminals to allow for Fuel Storage Facility Management, and Automated Pump Control for Hydrant or Truck Loading/Unloading systems.
Below is a listing of some of the major data or discrete links (copper, fiber, radio and other system components) which have been successfully implemented in our systems.
Our goal is to supply an integrated control package which provides you, the customer, with a seamless open architecture Control System with unit responsibility for maintenance. We hope you will review our past projects listing and include us on your next project. Contact information is available on this website should you have questions or comments. All of this, of course, is a custom solution that is developed to fit your needs.